Harry Swaagman Estate
Monica Swaagman, Personal. Rep.
N8733 Cty Rd EF, Friesland, WI 53923-9670
Friday, June 4, 2021
11:00 a.m. (no small items)
Sale held in accordance with WI Essential Business Ruling - Bidders Only – No children under the age of 18 years - Social Distancing Required. This is a live outdoor Auction.
LOCATION: Between Randolph and Cambria on State Rd 33 to Cty EF (UWGP Ethanol site), north on Cty EF 2 miles, just north of Friesland. Watch for auction signs.
13 COLLECTOR TRACTORS & CRAWLER (all are runners but sell as is): INT WD-9 Super tractor, diesel, standard, on rubber, SN 5091J; AC “G” tractor w/cultivator, SN C-972, has sickle mount mower which sells separate; JD “50” tractor, NF, good paint, has belly mount grader blade, SN 5009356; INT 500 Crawler, no blade or 3pt, 1942 hrs on meter, gas; Case 730 Comfort King tractor, WF, 3pt, has Westendorf hyd loader; SN8294170, has Faansgard 3pt log winch, mdl 4000, sells separate; Farmall Super M tractor, WF, pulley, duals, SN F21888J, has belt drive saw rig mounted; Farmall Super H tractor, NF, good paint, SN 24681J; Farmall Super C tractor, NF, SN 144809; Minn Moline R tractor, NF, SN RTU403177; Minn Moline “UB” tractor, diesel, WF, SN 09800083; Ford 8N tractor, WF, 3pt, SN 6138; AC “C” tractor, NF, SN 1145; Massey Harris 44GR tractor, NF, pulley, good tires, SN 12088, has mtd. saw rig.
TRUCK (not run for some time): 1978 AMGEN military truck/semi, 6-wheel drive, dual tandem, 5th wheel.
FARM EQUIPMENT: Melroe 912 3 bottom semi mtd plow; New Idea 324 2 row wide corn picker w/8 roll husking bed; JD 30 PTO combine; 5 spade payloader mount tree spade; Deutz rotary rake; Dearborn 3pt 8’ disk; Caterpillar large air compressor on 4-wheel transport, diesel engine; Winco 20KW portable alternator; wood hauler tandem spreader trailer; saw arbor.
MISCELLANEOUS: Columbia golf carts for handyman; elec chicken plucker; honey extractor; 2-heavy duty homemade log splitters, both have diesel engines; auxiliary fuel tank for pickup; belt conveyor w/stand; 8 uprights of metal pallet racking; other misc items.
TERMS: Cash, good check, credit card (4% convenience fee if using credit card-NO DEBIT CARDS). All purchases must be settled for day of sale. Out of state checks require current bank letter of guarantee. Photo ID required to register to bid/buy. Announcements made at sale take precedence over advertised material.
AUCTIONEER: Norman Taylor Jr. (RWA #596), Rio, WI (608) 697-2250 or (920) 992-5597;
SALE MANAGER: James Seamonson (RWL #132), Stoughton, WI (608) 575-3325;
AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialists, LLP (RWAC #516) 116 N Main St., Fond du Lac, WI 54935 (920) 923-7777
For more information, please contact:
Jim Seamonson |