December 2024   

Upcoming Auctions

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4730 N Mayfield

West Bend, WI 53095

11:00 AM


Lyle & Debbie Hoefert and Ande & Dlorah LLC

4730 N Mayfield Rd., West Bend, WI  53095

Lyle: 262.353.5123

Friday, March 26, 2021 | 11:00 a.m. very few small items


Sale held in accordance with WI Essential Business Ruling - Bidders Only – No children under the age of 18 years.  Social Distancing Required. This is a live outdoor Auction.


LOCATION: 4 miles south of West Bend or 2 miles north of Jackson on Hwy 45 to Exit 65 - PV (Pleasant Valley Rd.), West ½ mile on PV to Mayfield Rd., north ½ mile to #4730 Mayfield Rd. Watch for auction signs.


NOTE: The Hoeferts have rented their farm therefore selling the following farm equipment. These items are in extremely good condition. Must see to appreciate, always shedded.




13 Tractors & Combine – Accessories: IH 1256 Turbo diesel tractor, MFWD, year-round cab, 20.8x38 tires, SN106?6; IH 856 D tractor, WF, 3 pt, 18.4x38 tires, SN 25817; IH 826 D tractor, 18.4x34 tires, WF, SN UO15253; IH-Farmall 656 Hydro gas tractor, WF, 15.5x38 tires, 3 pt, SN UO49052; IH 460 gas tractor, WF, 2 pt, 18.4x38 tires, SN 23721; ’39 Farmall M tractor, NF, SN 18547; ’46 Farmall M tractor w/’66 Chrysler V-8 383 engine, NF, SN 116651; ’51 Farmall M tractor, NF, SN 274846; ’44 Farmall H tractor, NF, SN 137367; IH 424 utility tractor, gas, Freeman hyd loader, SN 14674; AC D-17 tractor, NF & WF, has AC two row mounted corn picker, has fenders; 2 – AC “C” tractors, plus corn & beet cultivators; Massy Ferg. 300 SP combine, no cab, 10’ grain head; 16 IH 100# suitcase weights; 10 IH 65# suitcase weights; 2 sets clamp-on duals (20.8x38 & 18.4 x 38).


Farm Equipment: JD 8200 12’ grain drill, grass seed, liquid available; JD 7000 4 row wide corn planter, liquid; New Idea 3732 tandem axle manure spreader w/end gate; NH 495 12’ haybine, folding; 2 NH rakes (258 & 256); H&S 7’ hay tedder; INT 430 baler w/thrower; Gehl 750 chopper w/2 row wide corn head; Gehl 400 chopper, w/1 row corn head; 2 Kasten 3 beater chopper boxes on Kasten tandem wagons; Kasten 3 beater chopper box, slant roof, on Gehl wagon; INT 475 20’ disk; INT 720 5-16” auto reset plow/chisel points; INT 540 4-16” trip bottom plow; Brillion 20’ folding spring tooth; Worksaver 3 shank subsoiler; IH 14’ Vibrashank field cultivator; McFarlane 24’ hyd folding drag; McFarlane 16’ drag & rollers; INT 4 row rotary hoe; New Idea 324 2 row wide corn picker w/12 roll husking bed; INT 16’ spring tooth & trailer; INT 2A hay conditioner; NH 450 3 pt sickle mower & PTO ext.; Winpower 45/25 portable alternator; Gehl 65 Mixall grinder w/fiberglass tank; INT 56 blower; Gehl long hopper blower; 4 gravity boxes (Ficklin – EZ Flow – FF) on wagons (Kasten, Kory & David Bradley); Fred Caine 4 row wide cultivator & rolling shields; IH 3 pt 2 row corn cultivator; 2 3pt sprayers; Case 24’ elevator w/elec motor; Cross elevator w/dragline; stone boat; Sears rollover scraper; 20’ Schoesow portable feeder wagon; 2 – Gruett feeders, round bale & one w/wheels.


Miscellaneous: 13 concrete H bunks (65’); Cardinal conveyor; tire changer; 2 – 1000 gal poly fertilizer tanks; 550 gal poly fertilizer tank; 2- 200 amp elec pedestals; cement mixer w/elec motor; ¾ HP drill & drill press; 2 indoor feed bins (7 & 4 ton); 2 1970 Herters snowmobiles (collectors); cast iron calderon; 2 barn fans; two 7.5 HP 3 phase motors, reconditioned; 3 rolls snow fence; corn crib ring; chicken feeders; usual farm misc.


TERMS:  Online bidding available on selected items through - 3% buyer fee, $1000 maximum per item. Onsite terms: Cash, good check, credit card (4% convenience fee if using credit card-NO DEBIT CARDS). All purchases must be settled for day of sale. Out of state checks require current bank letter of guarantee. Photo ID required to register to bid/buy. Announcements made at sale take precedence over advertised material. Online items will begin at 1:00 pm.

AUCTIONEER: Dan Ritger (RWA # 645), Kewaskum, WI (414) 333-8625 and Rod Drendel (RWA #2017), Fond du Lac, WI (920) 960-7777;

SALE MANAGER: James Seamonson (RWL #132), Stoughton, WI (608) 575-3325;


Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialists, LLP (RWAC #516) 116 N Main St., Fond du Lac, WI 54935 (920) 923-7777

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For more information, please contact:

James Seamonson |