“Danny” Wondra Estate & Nona Wondra
W3287 Lomira Dr., Brownsville, WI 53006
Friday, March 14, 2025 | 10:00 a.m.
Saturday, March 15, 2025 | 9:30 a.m.
LOCATION: Two miles south of Hwy 49 on Cty YY or two miles north of LeRoy on Cty YY to Lomira Dr. (County H). Corner of Lomira Dr./Cty H and Cty YY.
REASON: Settle estate NOTE: This is an onsite outdoor auction, dress accordingly. LUNCH: Helen’s Catering
****ITEMS SELLING FRIDAY, MARCH 14th, starting at 10:00 a.m.****
Online items marked with a single asterisk (*) start at 12:00 noon.
Online sales subject to 4% buyer fee. If purchased at sale, no buyer fee.
TRACTORS – SKIDLOADER - ATTACHMENTS: *Case IH 125 Maxxum tractor, 2WD, wheel weights, like new 460/85/R38 tires, 2823 hrs, has Rhino 5211 front end loader w/7’ bucket, SN 27BE01689; *CASE IH 7140 Magnum tractor, MFWD, 520/85/R42 rear, 420/85/R30 front, triple bank hyd, 4626 hrs, SN JJ80037980; *Case 530 gas tractor, WF, 3 pt, good rubber, has Case front end loader, SN 5418238890; *Case 960 skidsteer loader, 8198 hrs, has adapter plate; *Berleon 72” rock bucket; *Berleon 72” material bucket; *pallet fork attach; *68” grapple fork bucket.
TRAILERS: 8’x16’ 5th wheel trailer, load ramps, wood floor, tandem axle; 8’x12’ dump trailer, duals, PTO drive dump, steel box.
FARM EQUIPMENT: *JD 7200 Conservation 12 row corn planter, 150 computer trak monitor; *Hardi “Commander Plus” 750 pull type sprayer, elec controls, 50’ boom, foam markers; *CIH 4800 28’ field cultivator w/finishing drag; *DMI 900 Ecolo-Champ 9 shank soil saver, front discs; Brillion 15’ cultimulcher, inside dual wheels; Case K23B 23’ wheel disk; DMI 3pt 21’ tool bar cultivator/tiller w/coulter blades; Kewanee 370 24’ field cultivator frame, shanks removed but are available; Gruett 16’ bale throw rack on wagon; 3 pt 2 bottom plow; JD 300 front end loader; 7’x16’ wood flat rack on wagon; King Kutter 7’ 3pt scarifier/box scraper; assorted tools; usual farm miscellaneous.
COLLECTIBLES: Large collection of Case literature, signs, belt buckles, watches, & memorabilia.
SHELL RELOADER: 4 – MEC stands for shotgun reload plus reload supplies.
****ITEMS SELLING SATURDAY, MARCH 15th, starting at 9:30 a.m.****
Danny enjoyed collecting toys for many years. He also reconstructed toys. Must see to appreciate. All 1/16 scale.
*50 plus reconstructed precision quality farm equipment, done by Danny; many Case tractors, some precision, some w/O.B.; other tractors; Int 2+2; JD 60 w/picker; JD; Farmall; Oliver; Farmall 560 Demo w/plow; Farmall 1206 pedal tractor (pink); Case threshing machine; Case cast iron eagle adv threshing machine; Millenium steam engine; pull tractor toys (Little Temptation & Big Boy II); Tru Scale tractors & farm implements; milk can w/tin seat; toy farm windmills, storage bin, etc.; numerous selection of Case toys & some trucks;
TERMS: Online sales are subject to 4% buyer fee. No buyer fee for live purchases. Cash, good check, credit card (4% convenience fee if using credit card-NO DEBIT CARDS). All purchases must be settled for day of sale. Out of state checks require current bank letter of guarantee. Photo ID required to register to bid/buy. Announcements made at sale take precedence over advertised material. AUCTIONEER: Rod Drendel (RWA #2017), Fond du Lac, WI, 920.960.7777; SALE MANAGER: James Seamonson, Stoughton, WI, 608.575.3325; CASHIER: Cindy Fredrick, Mayville, 920.210.5442; AUCTION CONDUCTED BY:
Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialists, LLC (RWAC #516)
116 N Main St., Fond du Lac, WI 54935
For more information, please contact:
Jim Seamonson |